Subterranean Resiliency: Predicting, Assessing and Mitigating Saltwater Intrusion

End of Year 1

The end of the fiscal year - June 30, 2022 - marks the end of the first year of our two-year state-funded MVP grant: Subterranean Resilience.

Besides the scientific and resilience goals of this project, its chief benefit is the close cooperation of a dozen separate environmentally-focused non-profits.

Many of our partners have played a substantial role in the realization of the project's goals this first year, notably the League of Women Voters of the Plymouth Area and Sustainable Plymouth, with their 'Read Up A Storm' project and the Indigenous Resource Collaborative's "Way of Wampum" event.

SEMPBA is largely serving an administrative role in this project, but in the past year has also produced a variety of printed materials, posters, and banners in support of a variety of events and activities, and produced and participated in the 'WaterWorks' event as well.

Partner Living Observatory launched a community portal focused on water issues in the region of the aquifer: at you can find information on the organizations, events, activities, and members of organizations working on the preservation, protection and data analysis pertaining to the Plymouth-Carver sole source aquifer.

By Frank Mand
June 11, 2022