Dr. David Boutt

I am a Professor of Geosciences and Director of Graduate Admissions in the School of Earth and Sustainability at UMass-Amherst. Our research lab focuses on study of groundwater and we focus on developing conceptual frameworks and models for how subsurface water moved and interacts with the environment. My work with LO over the years has focused on linking springs and seeps around the Tidmarsh sites to surbsurface geology. A new project through the MVP program has us re-designing the Plymouth-Carver groundwater flow model to better capture low-elevation water table dynamics and incorporating density dependence to assess sea-level rise impacts on the coastal hydrological system.


Dr. David Boutt, Brendan Moran, Daniel Corkran, et al. Salt-Water Intrusion Vulnerability Assessment in Plymouth, Ma - Compound effects of Sea-Level Rise on Water Quality and Aquifer Sustainability, Technical presentation video, School of Earth and Sustainability, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Ma, November 2022.
UMass Amherst