Eric Cody

Eric Cody is co-founder and president of the Friends of Ellisville Marsh, Inc., a Plymouth-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to the revitalization of fisheries and wildlife in the 70-acre Ellisville Marsh. He has been involved with the groiup's inlet maintenance project for more than fifteen years and recently wrote a book about the experience, Rescuing Ellisville Marsh: the Long Fight to Restore Lost Connections (UMass Press, 2023). Eric chaired the town's Water Conservation Committee from 2020 through 2022 and has served on the Plymouth Planning Board. He holds degrees from Amherst and Harvard.


Eric Cody. Plymouth Water Conservation Initiative: Seasonal Water Rate, Policy Recommendation, Water Conservation Committee, Plymouth, MA, May 2023.
Eric Cody. Rescuing Ellisville Marsh: the Long Fight to Restore Lost Connections, University of Massachusetts Press / Bright Leaf, Amherst, MA, January 2023.
Eric Cody, Dan Gorczyca, Harvey LeSueur, et al. The Case for Water Conservation in Plymouth: A Water Conservation Planning Framework - Discussion draft for the purpose of soliciting community input, This Water Conservation Planning Framework is a work in progress and is subject to change. It has not yet been officially adopted by the Plymouth Water Conservation Committee. REV 2.5 , Plymouth Water Conservation Commissison , Plymouth Ma, February 2022.
Ellisville Marsh